C Programming Questions:
Write a program to accept an integer using a pointer and check whether it is even or odd.
Write a program to read two integers using pointers and perform all arithmetic operations on them.
Write a program to find the maximum from two integers using pointers.
Write a program to accept N integers and store them dynamically and display them.
Write a program to read a string and copy it to another string and display the copied string. Also, display the length of the copied string.
Write a program to accept N integers and store them dynamically, then display them in reverse order.
Write a program to read two strings. If the first string is greater than the second, concatenate the second to the first and display the concatenated string. If the first string is smaller than the second, concatenate the first to the second, otherwise, display the length of the strings.
Write a program to read a string and one character. Check whether the given character is present in the given string or not.
Write a program to accept a string and find its length using a user-defined function.
Write a function that takes a string as a parameter and returns the same string in uppercase (using pointers).
Database Questions:
Write a function to find the maximum and minimum from two numbers.
Create a database schema in PostgreSQL and insert sufficient records.
Write a trigger before insert/update on the marks_scored attribute. Raise an exception if marks are negative.
Write a cursor to display the names of students from 'Pune' city.
Write a trigger which is executed when insertion is made in the student-subject table. If marks_scored is less than 0, give an appropriate message and do not allow the insertion.
Write a trigger which will prevent deleting students from 'Pune' city.
Write a cursor which will display names of students from 'Nagpur' city.
Write a stored function using a cursor, which will give details of all routes on which bus no 110 is running.
Write a trigger before insert or update on the Route table where No_of_stations < 0.
Write a cursor which will display names of teachers teaching 'FYBSC' class.
Write a trigger before insert or update on the Student table where SNO < 0.