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A mind map is like a drawing that helps you organize your thoughts. You start with a main idea in the center, then draw lines to connect related ideas around it. It's a way to visually see how different things are connected. People use mind maps to plan projects, remember information, or solve problems because they make it easier to understand complex stuff.

Steps to create mind map with AI

  1. Visit to and log in with Google

2. After login you will see the below window.

3. Click Create new you will get to this page, click Board

4. You will land in to the following page.

5. click the highlighted icon of mind map

6. It will open one rectangle with default name Mind map, change that name with your idea

7. below window is after Entering information about cricket.

8. Now click the Sign of Mind map with ai which is highlighted with yellow, and here is the magic

10. Now we have created the first level, we can select any element and again click to AI sign. We will get your desire Mind map.

below can be the result and you can modify this as per your need.

creating mind maps with AI offers several benefits:

  1. Efficiency: AI-powered mind mapping tools can help you create mind maps quickly and efficiently, saving you time compared to manually drawing them.

  2. Organization: AI can assist in organizing and structuring your ideas by suggesting connections between related concepts or automatically arranging information in a logical manner.

  3. Visualization: AI can generate visually appealing mind maps with clear layouts and designs, making it easier to understand complex information at a glance.

  4. Collaboration: Many AI-driven mind mapping tools offer collaboration features, allowing multiple users to work on the same mind map simultaneously, regardless of their location.

  5. Integration: AI-powered mind mapping tools may integrate with other software and platforms, enabling seamless transfer of information between different applications and enhancing productivity.

  6. Insights: Some AI tools provide analytical capabilities, such as identifying patterns or trends within your mind maps, offering insights that can inform decision-making or problem-solving processes.

Overall, leveraging AI for mind mapping can streamline the process, improve organization, foster collaboration, and provide valuable insights, ultimately enhancing productivity and creativity.

By leveraging AI for mind mapping, you can streamline your workflow, enhance organization, foster collaboration, and gain valuable insights from complex information. Whether you’re planning projects, brainstorming ideas, or organizing thoughts, AI-powered mind mapping tools like Whimsical provide robust support to boost your productivity and creativity.

Incorporate these steps into your mind mapping process to maximize the benefits of AI, transforming how you conceptualize and communicate ideas effectively.

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Creating tools can be a fun and rewarding process! The approach depends on the type of tool you have in mind. Here's a general roadmap that can be adapted for different scenarios:

Steps to use freeaikit

  1. login to, at the right hand side there are some examples of some tools which are created by freeaikit.

2. Click create custom tool here is the actual first step to create your freeaikit tool

3. Click playground and feel all the details

4. Fill the required details.

Write your Tool Name and make it catchy, create custom link for your freeaikit tool, Meta Title will be the more information about the Title, give any sub-heading to your tool.

5. Click next and fill Meta Description about you freeaikit tool, Description

Template is how may input you want to take by the user. Its recommended that you use the one input.

6. Now you enter your prompt .

7. Click finish and your tool is ready.

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The Vertex AI Gemini API empowers you to generate creative text formats through prompts and configurations. This guide walks you through the process of using Gemini for text generation.


  • Basic understanding of text formats and APIs (optional)

There are two main ways to use Vertex AI Gemini for text generation:

  1. Vertex AI Studio: This is a free, web-based interface that allows you to quickly test and generate text using Gemini.

2. Vertex AI SDK: This provides more programmatic control for integrating Gemini into your applications.

Here's a breakdown of the steps for both methods:

Using Vertex AI Studio:

  1. Access Studio: Go to the Vertex AI Studio console [LOCATION] (replace with your region).

  2. Enable Gemini API: If not already enabled, navigate to Environments -> Environments and select your environment. Click on Settings and enable the Vertex AI - Generative AI API.

  3. Create Text Generation Endpoint: In the Studio console, navigate to Endpoints -> Create Endpoint. Choose Generative AI as the endpoint type and select the Gemini 1.0 Pro model. Click Create.

Now you can start generating text!

  • In the Text section, provide your prompt or starting text for Gemini to build upon.

  • You can adjust parameters like temperature (controls randomness) and top_k (influences the number of likely words considered at each step).

  • Click Generate to get the results.

Using Vertex AI SDK:

  1. Set up your environment: Install the required libraries following the Vertex AI quickstart guide for your preferred language (Python, Java, etc.).

  2. Import Libraries: Import the necessary libraries for working with Vertex AI and Gemini.

  3. Authenticate: Set up authentication for your application using Application Default Credentials (refer to Vertex AI documentation for details).

  4. Create Endpoint Reference: Use the Vertex AI SDK to create a reference to your deployed Gemini endpoint.

  5. Define Text Input: Prepare your prompt or starting text as a string.

  6. Generate Text: Use the endpoint reference to send a request to Gemini with your text input and desired parameters (temperature, top_k, etc.).

  7. Process Output: The response will contain the generated text.

Additional Considerations:

For detailed instructions and code samples, refer to the official Vertex AI documentation:

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