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Welcome to our comprehensive guide on preparing for the 18th June 2024 NET Exam Paper 1 with effective sample papers. Aspiring candidates aiming to excel in this prestigious examination understand the significance of thorough preparation, and sample papers play a pivotal role in achieving that goal. These papers serve as invaluable tools, offering a simulated experience of the actual exam environment and helping candidates familiarize themselves with the format, types of questions, and time management strategies required to succeed. Whether you're brushing up on teaching aptitude, honing your research skills, or staying updated on current affairs, practicing with well-crafted sample papers ensures a holistic preparation approach. Join us as we delve into the intricacies of utilizing NET Exam Paper 1 sample papers to maximize your readiness and confidence on exam day.

The National Eligibility Test (NET) is conducted by the University Grants Commission (UGC) in India to determine eligibility for college and university level lectureship and for the award of Junior Research Fellowship (JRF). Paper 1 is common for all subjects and assesses the teaching and research aptitude of candidates. Below is a sample set of probable questions for UGC NET Paper 1:

Paper 1: General Paper on Teaching & Research Aptitude

Number of Questions: 50

Teaching Aptitude

  1. Which of the following is the most appropriate way to teach students?

  • a) Lecture method

  • b) Group discussion

  • c) Interactive method

  • d) Demonstration method

  1. The primary objective of education is to:

  • a) Prepare students for exams

  • b) Develop critical thinking

  • c) Impart knowledge

  • d) Ensure discipline

  1. A good teacher should be:

  • a) Knowledgeable

  • b) Strict

  • c) Sympathetic

  • d) All of the above

Research Aptitude

  1. The first step in the research process is:

  • a) Data collection

  • b) Problem formulation

  • c) Literature review

  • d) Hypothesis formulation

  1. A research hypothesis is:

  • a) A proven fact

  • b) An assumption

  • c) A statement to be tested

  • d) A research question

  1. Plagiarism in research means:

  • a) Using others' work without giving credit

  • b) Citing sources properly

  • c) Collaborating with others

  • d) Conducting unethical experiments


Read the following passage and answer the questions (7-10):

Passage: "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. It is the key to eliminating gender inequality, to reducing poverty, to creating a sustainable planet, to preventing needless deaths and illness, and to fostering peace. In a knowledge economy, education is the new currency by which nations maintain economic competitiveness and global prosperity."

  1. According to the passage, education helps in:

  • a) Reducing poverty

  • b) Preventing illness

  • c) Creating a sustainable planet

  • d) All of the above

  1. The phrase "education is the new currency" implies:

  • a) Education is expensive

  • b) Education is valuable

  • c) Education is a form of money

  • d) Education is a trade commodity

  1. The passage suggests that education can help in:

  • a) Fostering peace

  • b) Gender inequality

  • c) Both a and b

  • d) None of the above

  1. The main theme of the passage is:

  • a) The cost of education

  • b) The role of education in societal development

  • c) The economic impact of education

  • d) The challenges of education


  1. Effective communication requires:

  • a) Encoding

  • b) Decoding

  • c) Feedback

  • d) All of the above

  1. Non-verbal communication includes:

  • a) Written communication

  • b) Facial expressions

  • c) Public speaking

  • d) None of the above

  1. In communication, noise refers to:

  • a) Loud sounds

  • b) Barriers to communication

  • c) Feedback

  • d) All of the above

Mathematical Reasoning and Aptitude

  1. If 5x + 3 = 18, then x is:

  • a) 3

  • b) 2

  • c) 5

  • d) 6

  1. The average of first five prime numbers is:

  • a) 5.6

  • b) 6.4

  • c) 4.8

  • d) 7.2

  1. The next term in the series 2, 5, 10, 17, 26 is:

  • a) 35

  • b) 37

  • c) 39

  • d) 41

Logical Reasoning

  1. If all dogs are animals and all animals are living beings, then all dogs are living beings. This is an example of:

  • a) Deductive reasoning

  • b) Inductive reasoning

  • c) Abductive reasoning

  • d) None of the above

  1. In a class of 60 students, 25 students play cricket, 20 students play football, and 10 students play both. How many students play neither cricket nor football?

  • a) 25

  • b) 30

  • c) 35

  • d) 40

  1. If "P" means "×", "Q" means "÷", "R" means "+" and "S" means "-", then what is the value of 10 R 5 Q 5 P 10 S 5?

  • a) 15

  • b) 25

  • c) 10

  • d) 20

Data Interpretation

  1. Study the following table and answer the questions (20-23):


Product A

Product B

Product C

















  1. The percentage increase in the production of Product A from 2015 to 2018 is:

  • a) 50%

  • b) 75%

  • c) 100%

  • d) 125%

  1. The average production of Product B over the four years is:

  • a) 2000

  • b) 2250

  • c) 2500

  • d) 2750

  1. The total production of all products in 2017 is:

  • a) 8100

  • b) 7600

  • c) 7000

  • d) 7800

  1. The product with the highest average production over the four years is:

  • a) Product A

  • b) Product B

  • c) Product C

  • d) Both A and C

Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

  1. Which of the following is not an output device?

  • a) Monitor

  • b) Printer

  • c) Keyboard

  • d) Speaker

  1. The full form of URL is:

  • a) Uniform Resource Locator

  • b) Uniform Resource Link

  • c) Universal Resource Locator

  • d) Universal Resource Link

  1. The most common language used in web page designing is:

  • a) Java

  • b) C++

  • c) Python

  • d) HTML

People and Environment

  1. Which of the following gases is not a greenhouse gas?

  • a) Carbon dioxide

  • b) Methane

  • c) Oxygen

  • d) Nitrous oxide

  1. The main source of renewable energy is:

  • a) Coal

  • b) Natural gas

  • c) Solar energy

  • d) Nuclear energy

  1. Sustainable development means:

  • a) Development at all costs

  • b) Development without regard to environmental consequences

  • c) Meeting present needs without compromising future generations

  • d) Rapid industrialization

Higher Education System: Governance, Polity, and Administration

  1. The main aim of the Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA) is to:

  • a) Improve the quality of higher education

  • b) Provide scholarships to students

  • c) Establish new universities

  • d) Promote research activities

  1. The regulatory authority for open and distance learning in India is:

  • a) UGC

  • b) AICTE

  • c) IGNOU

  • d) NCTE

  1. The National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) is used to:

  • a) Rank schools

  • b) Rank colleges and universities

  • c) Rank vocational institutes

  • d) Rank private coaching centers

Questions 33-50: Miscellaneous (General Awareness, Current Affairs, etc.)

  1. Who is the current President of India? (As of June 2023)

  • a) Ram Nath Kovind

  • b) Pranab Mukherjee

  • c) Draupadi Murmu

  • d) Narendra Modi

  1. The International Yoga Day is celebrated on:

  • a) June 21

  • b) July 21

  • c) May 21

  • d) April 21

  1. The Nobel Prize in Literature 2023 was awarded to:

  • a) Abdulrazak Gurnah

  • b) Olga Tokarczuk

  • c) Annie Ernaux

  • d) Peter Handke

(Note: Questions 33-35 are placeholders and may require updating based on current information.)

General Awareness and Current Affairs (Cont.)

  1. The World Economic Forum is headquartered in:

  • a) Paris, France

  • b) New York, USA

  • c) Geneva, Switzerland

  • d) Davos, Switzerland

  1. The G20 summit 2023 was hosted by:

  • a) India

  • b) Italy

  • c) Saudi Arabia

  • d) Japan

  1. The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) launched its first mission to study the Sun named:

  • a) Aditya-L1

  • b) Chandrayaan-3

  • c) Mangalyaan

  • d) Solar Probe

  1. The concept of 'Gross National Happiness' is associated with which country?

  • a) Bhutan

  • b) Norway

  • c) Denmark

  • d) Sweden

  1. Which country won the FIFA World Cup 2022?

  • a) France

  • b) Croatia

  • c) Brazil

  • d) Argentina

Data Interpretation (Cont.)

  1. Refer to the following pie chart that shows the expenditure of a family on various items in a month:

  • Rent: 30%

  • Food: 25%

  • Education: 15%

  • Transport: 10%

  • Savings: 20%

What fraction of the family's monthly expenditure is spent on Education and Transport combined?

  • a) 1/4

  • b) 1/3

  • c) 2/5

  • d) 1/2

  1. If the total monthly expenditure of the family is ₹50,000, how much is spent on Food?

  • a) ₹12,500

  • b) ₹10,000

  • c) ₹15,000

  • d) ₹20,000

  1. If the expenditure on Rent increases by 20%, what will be the new expenditure on Rent?

  • a) ₹15,000

  • b) ₹18,000

  • c) ₹20,000

  • d) ₹12,000

Logical Reasoning (Cont.)

  1. If in a certain code language, 'COLD' is written as 'DPME', how will 'WARM' be written in that code?

  • a) XBNN

  • b) XARN

  • c) VZQL

  • d) XBNL

  1. In a group of 100 people, 80 speak Hindi, 40 speak English, and 30 speak both languages. How many people speak only Hindi?

  • a) 20

  • b) 50

  • c) 60

  • d) 70

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) (Cont.)

  1. The term 'bandwidth' in computer networking refers to:

  • a) The amount of data that can be transmitted in a fixed amount of time

  • b) The physical width of the data cable

  • c) The length of time a network is active

  • d) The number of devices that can be connected to the network

  1. Which of the following is an example of system software?

  • a) Microsoft Word

  • b) Adobe Photoshop

  • c) Linux OS

  • d) Gmail

People and Environment (Cont.)

  1. Which of the following practices is associated with sustainable agriculture?

  • a) Monoculture farming

  • b) Use of chemical pesticides

  • c) Crop rotation

  • d) Deforestation

  1. The Kyoto Protocol is associated with:

  • a) Biodiversity conservation

  • b) Climate change

  • c) Desertification

  • d) Water pollution

Higher Education System: Governance, Polity, and Administration (Cont.)

  1. The 'Study in India' program aims to:

  • a) Attract foreign students to India

  • b) Send Indian students abroad for studies

  • c) Promote online education in India

  • d) Establish new educational institutions in rural areas

Paper 1: General Paper on Teaching & Research Aptitude

Duration: 1 Hour

Total Marks: 100

Number of Questions: 50

All questions carry 2 marks each.

Teaching Aptitude

  1. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a good teacher?

  • a) Patience

  • b) Rigidity

  • c) Enthusiasm

  • d) Knowledge

  1. The main role of a teacher in the classroom is to:

  • a) Impose discipline

  • b) Transmit knowledge

  • c) Conduct assessments

  • d) Facilitate learning

  1. Effective teaching involves:

  • a) Strictly following the curriculum

  • b) Creating a positive learning environment

  • c) Providing lots of homework

  • d) Giving frequent tests

Research Aptitude

  1. The purpose of a literature review in research is to:

  • a) Present new findings

  • b) Summarize existing knowledge

  • c) Propose new theories

  • d) Test hypotheses

  1. Qualitative research is characterized by:

  • a) Numerical data

  • b) Statistical analysis

  • c) Subjective interpretation

  • d) Controlled experiments

  1. Ethical considerations in research include:

  • a) Data fabrication

  • b) Informed consent

  • c) Plagiarism

  • d) Confidentiality


Read the following passage and answer the questions (7-10):

Passage: "Technology has revolutionized education by providing new ways for students to learn. Online courses and digital resources offer flexibility and accessibility, allowing students to study at their own pace and on their own schedule. However, this shift also presents challenges, such as ensuring equal access to technology and maintaining student engagement in a virtual environment."

  1. According to the passage, one of the benefits of technology in education is:

  • a) Increased workload for students

  • b) Flexibility in learning

  • c) Decreased interaction among students

  • d) Higher costs

  1. A challenge mentioned in the passage regarding technology in education is:

  • a) Lack of quality resources

  • b) Maintaining student engagement

  • c) Overcrowded classrooms

  • d) Traditional teaching methods

  1. The passage suggests that online courses:

  • a) Are less effective than traditional courses

  • b) Offer flexibility and accessibility

  • c) Should replace traditional classrooms

  • d) Are more expensive

  1. The main idea of the passage is:

  • a) Technology has only positive effects on education

  • b) There are both benefits and challenges to using technology in education

  • c) Traditional education is better than online education

  • d) Technology is unnecessary in education


  1. Communication is effective when:

  • a) The message is transmitted

  • b) The receiver understands the message as intended

  • c) Feedback is ignored

  • d) Noise is present

  1. Barriers to effective communication can include:

  • a) Clarity

  • b) Noise

  • c) Active listening

  • d) Mutual understanding

  1. The process of converting a message into symbols is called:

  • a) Decoding

  • b) Encoding

  • c) Feedback

  • d) Channeling

Mathematical Reasoning and Aptitude

  1. If the sum of two numbers is 15 and their product is 56, the numbers are:

  • a) 7 and 8

  • b) 5 and 10

  • c) 4 and 11

  • d) 6 and 9

  1. The average of the first ten natural numbers is:

  • a) 5

  • b) 5.5

  • c) 6

  • d) 6.5

  1. If 2x - 3 = 7, then x is:

  • a) 5

  • b) 3

  • c) 7

  • d) 10

Logical Reasoning

  1. All roses are flowers. Some flowers fade quickly. Therefore, some roses fade quickly. This type of reasoning is:

  • a) Inductive

  • b) Deductive

  • c) Analogical

  • d) Causal

  1. A man walks 5 km north, then 3 km east, then 2 km south. How far is he from the starting point?

  • a) 6 km

  • b) 5 km

  • c) 7 km

  • d) 4 km

  1. In a class of 40 students, 16 play cricket, 20 play football, and 6 play both. How many students play neither cricket nor football?

  • a) 10

  • b) 20

  • c) 14

  • d) 8

Data Interpretation

  1. Study the following bar graph and answer the questions (20-23):


Product A

Product B

Product C

















  1. The percentage increase in the production of Product A from 2018 to 2021 is:

  • a) 50%

  • b) 75%

  • c) 100%

  • d) 125%

  1. The average production of Product B over the four years is:

  • a) 1500

  • b) 1400

  • c) 1600

  • d) 1700

  1. The total production of all products in 2020 is:

  • a) 4900

  • b) 4700

  • c) 5100

  • d) 5300

  1. The product with the highest production in 2019 is:

  • a) Product A

  • b) Product B

  • c) Product C

  • d) All are equal

Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

  1. The term 'cloud computing' refers to:

  • a) Computing done on a local server

  • b) Computing resources provided over the internet

  • c) Data storage on physical drives

  • d) Networking within a building

  1. The full form of HTTP is:

  • a) Hypertext Transfer Protocol

  • b) Hypertext Transmission Protocol

  • c) High Transfer Protocol

  • d) High Transmission Protocol

  1. Which of the following is an example of a database management system?

  • a) MS Word

  • b) MS Excel

  • c) Oracle

  • d) Photoshop

People and Environment

  1. Deforestation primarily results in:

  • a) Soil erosion

  • b) Increased biodiversity

  • c) Improved air quality

  • d) Climate stabilization

  1. The main cause of acid rain is:

  • a) Carbon dioxide

  • b) Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides

  • c) Methane

  • d) Ozone

  1. The term 'biodiversity hotspot' refers to:

  • a) An area with a variety of species

  • b) An area with endangered species

  • c) An area with high levels of biodiversity under threat

  • d) An area with a large human population

Higher Education System: Governance, Polity, and Administration

  1. The main objective of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 is to:

  • a) Increase the number of schools

  • b) Transform India's education system

  • c) Focus on vocational training

  • d) Promote private education

  1. The statutory body responsible for maintaining the standards of technical education in India is:

  • a) UGC

  • b) AICTE

  • c) NCTE

  • d) NAAC

  1. The Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA) aims to:

  • a) Improve access and quality in higher education

  • b) Provide mid-day meals

  • c) Promote primary education

  • d) Develop vocational training institutes

Questions 33-50: Miscellaneous (General Awareness, Current Affairs, etc.)

  1. Who is the current Chief Justice of India? (As of June 2023)

  • a) N.V. Ramana

  • b) Ranjan Gogoi

  • c) Sharad Arvind Bobde

  • d) D.Y. Chandrachud

  1. The theme for World Environment Day 2023 was:

  • a) Beat Plastic Pollution

  • b) Time for Nature

  • c) Biodiversity

  • d) Ecosystem Restoration

  1. The headquarters of the United Nations is located in:

  • a) Geneva

  • b) New York

  • c) Paris

  • d) Vienna

(Note: Questions 33-35 are placeholders and may require updating based on current information.)

  1. Which country hosted the 2024 Summer Olympics?

  • a) Tokyo, Japan

  • b) Paris, France

  • c) Los Angeles, USA

  • d) Brisbane, Australia

  1. The Bharat Ratna award is given for:

  • a) Excellence in sports

  • b) Highest civilian award in India

  • c) Excellence in science and technology

  • d) Best film director

  1. The capital city of Australia is:

  • a) Sydney

  • b) Melbourne

  • c) Canberra

  • d) Brisbane

  1. The author of the book 'The Alchemist' is:

  • a) J.K. Rowling

  • b) Paulo Coelho

  • c) George Orwell

  • d) Ernest Hemingway

  1. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) aims to:

  • a) Promote international trade

  • b) Provide financial aid to developing countries

  • c) Stabilize international exchange rates

  • d) All of the above

  1. The currency of Japan is:

  • a) Yuan

  • b) Yen

  • c) Won

  • d) Ringgit

  1. The abbreviation 'GDP' stands for:

  • a) Gross Domestic Product

  • b) General Domestic Production

  • c) Gross Development Plan

  • d) General Development Program

  1. The Nobel Peace Prize 2023 was awarded to:

  • a) Malala Yousafzai

  • b) Abiy Ahmed

  • c) Maria Ressa and Dmitry Muratov

  • d) Ales Bialiatski, Memorial and Center for Civil Liberties

  1. The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialized agency of the:

  • a) United Nations

  • b) World Bank

  • c) International Monetary Fund

  • d) World Trade Organization

  1. The capital of Canada is:

  • a) Toronto

  • b) Ottawa

  • c) Vancouver

  • d) Montreal

  1. The first Indian woman to win an Olympic medal was:

  • a) P.T. Usha

  • b) Saina Nehwal

  • c) Mary Kom

  • d) Karnam Malleswari

  1. The SI unit of electric current is:

  • a) Volt

  • b) Ampere

  • c) Ohm

  • d) Watt

  1. The primary gas responsible for the greenhouse effect is:

  • a) Nitrogen

  • b) Oxygen

  • c) Carbon dioxide

  • d) Helium

  1. The Indian Parliament consists of:

  • a) Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha

  • b) President, Lok Sabha, and Rajya Sabha

  • c) Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha

  • d) President and Prime Minister

  1. The Good Governance Day is observed in India on:

  • a) December 25

  • b) January 25

  • c) November 14

  • d) October 2

Paper 1: General Paper on Teaching & Research Aptitude

Duration: 1 Hour

Total Marks: 100

Number of Questions: 50

All questions carry 2 marks each.

Teaching Aptitude

  1. A good teacher is one who:

  • a) Gives high grades to students

  • b) Encourages students to ask questions

  • c) Completes the syllabus on time

  • d) Discourages student participation

  1. Which of the following is a learner-centered method of teaching?

  • a) Lecture method

  • b) Demonstration method

  • c) Problem-solving method

  • d) Dictation method

  1. Bloom's Taxonomy is used for:

  • a) Structuring curriculum

  • b) Assessing student performance

  • c) Classifying educational goals

  • d) Enhancing classroom discipline

Research Aptitude

  1. Hypothesis testing is used to:

  • a) Prove a theory

  • b) Make a research proposal

  • c) Determine the validity of a hypothesis

  • d) Collect data

  1. Which of the following is a primary source of data?

  • a) Textbooks

  • b) Journals

  • c) Census reports

  • d) Interviews

  1. In research, a variable that is manipulated to observe its effect is called:

  • a) Independent variable

  • b) Dependent variable

  • c) Extraneous variable

  • d) Controlled variable


Read the following passage and answer the questions (7-10):

Passage: "The rapid advancement of technology has led to significant changes in the way we communicate. Social media platforms have become a major means of communication, allowing people to connect instantly across the globe. While this has numerous benefits, including the ability to share information quickly and foster relationships, it also has drawbacks such as the spread of misinformation and reduced face-to-face interactions."

  1. According to the passage, a major advantage of social media platforms is:

  • a) Spread of misinformation

  • b) Reduced face-to-face interactions

  • c) Instant global communication

  • d) High costs

  1. One of the drawbacks of social media mentioned in the passage is:

  • a) Increased privacy

  • b) Reduced information sharing

  • c) Reduced face-to-face interactions

  • d) Enhanced relationships

  1. The passage suggests that social media platforms:

  • a) Are mainly harmful

  • b) Have both benefits and drawbacks

  • c) Should be avoided

  • d) Are the best means of communication

  1. The main idea of the passage is:

  • a) Technology has only negative effects on communication

  • b) Social media has transformed communication

  • c) Face-to-face interactions are unnecessary

  • d) Misinformation is rampant on social media


  1. The process of listening involves:

  • a) Hearing only

  • b) Receiving, interpreting, and responding

  • c) Speaking and responding

  • d) Writing notes

  1. Which of the following is not a type of communication?

  • a) Verbal

  • b) Non-verbal

  • c) Symbolic

  • d) Historical

  1. Feedback in communication is:

  • a) Unnecessary

  • b) A response to the sender's message

  • c) Only given in formal settings

  • d) A one-way process

Mathematical Reasoning and Aptitude

  1. If x=5x = 5x=5 and y=2x+3y = 2x + 3y=2x+3, then yyy is:

  • a) 10

  • b) 13

  • c) 15

  • d) 11

  1. The sum of the squares of two consecutive even numbers is 340. The numbers are:

  • a) 12 and 14

  • b) 14 and 16

  • c) 16 and 18

  • d) 18 and 20

  1. If 3x+52=10\frac{3x + 5}{2} = 1023x+5​=10, then xxx is:

  • a) 5

  • b) 10

  • c) 3

  • d) 0

Logical Reasoning

  1. If 'DOCTOR' is coded as 'FQEVQT', how will 'NURSE' be coded?

  • a) PWTVG

  • b) MTPQD

  • c) OVSUF

  • d) NVTRE

  1. Find the missing number in the series: 2, 6, 12, 20, ?

  • a) 28

  • b) 30

  • c) 32

  • d) 34

  1. In a group of 80 people, 50 like coffee, 30 like tea, and 10 like both. How many people like neither coffee nor tea?

  • a) 10

  • b) 20

  • c) 30

  • d) 40

Data Interpretation

  1. Refer to the following table that shows the number of students enrolled in different courses over five years:


Course A

Course B

Course C





















  1. The total number of students enrolled in Course A from 2017 to 2021 is:

  • a) 950

  • b) 1000

  • c) 1050

  • d) 1100

  1. The average number of students enrolled in Course B over the five years is:

  • a) 230

  • b) 240

  • c) 210

  • d) 220

  1. In which year was the enrollment in Course C the highest?

  • a) 2017

  • b) 2018

  • c) 2019

  • d) 2021

Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

  1. The term 'ISP' stands for:

  • a) International Service Provider

  • b) Internet Service Provider

  • c) Information System Protocol

  • d) Internet System Program

  1. Which of the following is not a programming language?

  • a) Python

  • b) Java

  • c) HTML

  • d) HTTP

  1. A 'firewall' in computer networks is used for:

  • a) Enhancing internet speed

  • b) Blocking unauthorized access

  • c) Data storage

  • d) Website hosting

People and Environment

  1. The major cause of ozone layer depletion is:

  • a) Carbon dioxide

  • b) Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

  • c) Methane

  • d) Nitrogen oxides

  1. The primary source of energy for the Earth is:

  • a) Wind

  • b) Water

  • c) Sun

  • d) Biomass

  1. Which of the following is a renewable source of energy?

  • a) Coal

  • b) Oil

  • c) Natural gas

  • d) Solar energy

Higher Education System: Governance, Polity, and Administration

  1. The National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) is used to:

  • a) Assess the infrastructure of universities

  • b) Rank institutions of higher education in India

  • c) Provide scholarships to students

  • d) Promote sports in educational institutions

  1. The Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA) is aimed at:

  • a) Primary education

  • b) Secondary education

  • c) Higher education

  • d) Vocational training

  1. The All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) is responsible for:

  • a) Regulating distance education programs

  • b) Accrediting schools

  • c) Planning and development of technical education in India

  • d) Managing scholarships

General Awareness and Current Affairs

  1. The current Prime Minister of India (as of June 2023) is:

  • a) Narendra Modi

  • b) Manmohan Singh

  • c) Amit Shah

  • d) Rahul Gandhi

  1. The 2024 Summer Olympics will be held in:

  • a) Tokyo

  • b) Paris

  • c) Los Angeles

  • d) Brisbane

  1. The highest civilian award in India is:

  • a) Padma Shri

  • b) Padma Bhushan

  • c) Padma Vibhushan

  • d) Bharat Ratna

  1. The author of 'Harry Potter' series is:

  • a) J.R.R. Tolkien

  • b) J.K. Rowling

  • c) George R.R. Martin

  • d) C.S. Lewis

  1. The currency of the United Kingdom is:

  • a) Euro

  • b) Pound Sterling

  • c) Dollar

  • d) Yen

  1. The headquarters of the World Health Organization (WHO) is located in:

  • a) New York

  • b) Paris

  • c) Geneva

  • d) London

  1. The first woman to win a Nobel Prize was:

  • a) Mother Teresa

  • b) Marie Curie

  • c) Jane Addams

  • d) Malala Yousafzai

  1. The largest desert in the world is:

  • a) Sahara

  • b) Gobi

  • c) Kalahari

  • d) Arabian

  1. The chemical symbol for gold is:

  • a) Ag

  • b) Au

  • c) Gd

  • d) Ge

  1. The planet closest to the sun is:

  • a) Venus

  • b) Earth

  • c) Mars

  • d) Mercury

  1. The United Nations was founded in:

  • a) 1919

  • b) 1945

  • c) 1950

  • d) 1965

  1. The first Indian satellite was:

  • a) Bhaskara

  • b) Rohini

  • c) Aryabhata

  • d) INSAT-1A

  1. The International Day of Yoga is celebrated on:

  • a) June 21

  • b) July 21

  • c) August 21

  • d) September 21

  1. The SI unit of pressure is:

  • a) Pascal

  • b) Newton

  • c) Joule

  • d) Watt

  1. The primary constituent of natural gas is:

  • a) Methane

  • b) Ethane

  • c) Propane

  • d) Butane

  1. The largest organ in the human body is:

  • a) Heart

  • b) Liver

  • c) Skin

  • d) Brain

  1. The Good Governance Day is observed in India in honor of:

  • a) Mahatma Gandhi

  • b) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

  • c) Atal Bihari Vajpayee

  • d) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

  1. The author of 'Wings of Fire' is:

  • a) A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

  • b) Jawaharlal Nehru

  • c) Rabindranath Tagore

  • d) Vikram Sarabhai

Paper 1: General Paper on Teaching & Research Aptitude

Duration: 1 Hour

Total Marks: 100

Number of Questions: 50

All questions carry 2 marks each.

Teaching Aptitude

  1. The primary objective of teaching is:

  • a) To impart knowledge

  • b) To develop thinking ability

  • c) To provide guidance

  • d) All of the above

  1. A good teacher should be:

  • a) Authoritative

  • b) Sympathetic

  • c) Lenient

  • d) Flexible

  1. Which of the following methods is best suited for teaching large groups?

  • a) Seminar method

  • b) Discussion method

  • c) Lecture method

  • d) Project method

Research Aptitude

  1. The term 'sampling error' refers to:

  • a) Error due to sample size

  • b) Error due to bias in sampling

  • c) Difference between sample estimate and population parameter

  • d) Error in data collection

  1. A 'double-blind' experiment means:

  • a) Neither the subjects nor the experimenters know who is receiving the treatment

  • b) Only the subjects do not know who is receiving the treatment

  • c) Only the experimenters do not know who is receiving the treatment

  • d) Both the subjects and experimenters know who is receiving the treatment

  1. A research design that involves repeated observations of the same variables over a period of time is called:

  • a) Cross-sectional study

  • b) Longitudinal study

  • c) Case study

  • d) Experimental study


Read the following passage and answer the questions (7-10):

Passage: "Global warming refers to the long-term increase in Earth's average surface temperature due to human activities, primarily the emission of greenhouse gases. The consequences of global warming include rising sea levels, more frequent extreme weather events, and significant impacts on ecosystems and biodiversity. Mitigating global warming requires reducing greenhouse gas emissions through measures such as transitioning to renewable energy sources, improving energy efficiency, and promoting sustainable land use practices."

  1. The primary cause of global warming, according to the passage, is:

  • a) Deforestation

  • b) Greenhouse gas emissions

  • c) Natural climate cycles

  • d) Solar radiation

  1. One of the consequences of global warming mentioned in the passage is:

  • a) Decreased rainfall

  • b) Lower sea levels

  • c) More frequent extreme weather events

  • d) Reduced biodiversity

  1. Mitigating global warming involves:

  • a) Increasing fossil fuel use

  • b) Promoting industrial growth

  • c) Reducing greenhouse gas emissions

  • d) Damming rivers

  1. The passage suggests that renewable energy sources:

  • a) Contribute to global warming

  • b) Help reduce greenhouse gas emissions

  • c) Are less efficient than fossil fuels

  • d) Have no role in mitigating global warming


  1. Which of the following is not a barrier to effective communication?

  • a) Noise

  • b) Language differences

  • c) Active listening

  • d) Cultural differences

  1. The term 'grapevine' in communication refers to:

  • a) Formal communication channels

  • b) Informal communication network

  • c) Non-verbal communication

  • d) Visual communication

  1. The process of interpreting the encoded message by the receiver is known as:

  • a) Encoding

  • b) Decoding

  • c) Feedback

  • d) Channeling

Mathematical Reasoning and Aptitude

  1. If the ratio of two numbers is 3:4 and their sum is 84, then the numbers are:

  • a) 36 and 48

  • b) 30 and 54

  • c) 32 and 52

  • d) 28 and 56

  1. The value of 81+16\sqrt{81} + \sqrt{16}81​+16​ is:

  • a) 9

  • b) 12

  • c) 13

  • d) 25

  1. If 3x−4=2x+53x - 4 = 2x + 53x−4=2x+5, then xxx is:

  • a) 1

  • b) -1

  • c) 9

  • d) -9

Logical Reasoning

  1. All mangoes are fruits. Some fruits are sweet. Therefore, some mangoes are sweet. This type of reasoning is:

  • a) Inductive

  • b) Deductive

  • c) Analogical

  • d) Causal

  1. In a certain code, 'APPLE' is written as 'ELPPA'. How is 'BANANA' written in that code?

  • a) ANANAB

  • b) NANABA

  • c) AANANB

  • d) BNANAA

  1. A person walks 10 km towards north and then 6 km towards east. The straight-line distance from the starting point is:

  • a) 16 km

  • b) 14 km

  • c) 10 km

  • d) 12 km

Data Interpretation

  1. Refer to the following table that shows the sales of different products over five years:


Product X

Product Y

Product Z





















  1. The total sales of Product X from 2016 to 2020 is:

  • a) 3000

  • b) 3500

  • c) 4000

  • d) 4500

  1. The average sales of Product Y over the five years is:

  • a) 640

  • b) 660

  • c) 680

  • d) 700

  1. In which year was the sales growth for Product Z the highest compared to the previous year?

  • a) 2017

  • b) 2018

  • c) 2019

  • d) 2020

Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

  1. The full form of URL is:

  • a) Uniform Resource Locator

  • b) Universal Resource Locator

  • c) Uniform Resource Link

  • d) Universal Resource Link

  1. Which of the following is a web browser?

  • a) Microsoft Word

  • b) Google Chrome

  • c) Adobe Photoshop

  • d) VLC Media Player

  1. A computer virus is:

  • a) A hardware component

  • b) A type of software that replicates itself

  • c) An input device

  • d) A computer program that enhances performance

People and Environment

  1. The greenhouse effect is primarily caused by:

  • a) Increase in nitrogen levels

  • b) Increase in oxygen levels

  • c) Increase in carbon dioxide levels

  • d) Increase in hydrogen levels

  1. Sustainable development aims to:

  • a) Develop rapidly without considering future generations

  • b) Meet present needs without compromising the ability of future generations

  • c) Focus solely on economic growth

  • d) Exploit natural resources

  1. Which of the following is a non-renewable resource?

  • a) Wind energy

  • b) Solar energy

  • c) Coal

  • d) Biomass

Higher Education System: Governance, Polity, and Administration

  1. The body responsible for accrediting higher education institutions in India is:

  • a) AICTE

  • b) NAAC

  • c) UGC

  • d) NCTE

  1. The Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) in higher education refers to:

  • a) The total number of students enrolled in higher education institutions

  • b) The ratio of students enrolled in higher education to the population of eligible age group

  • c) The number of graduates each year

  • d) The ratio of students completing higher education

  1. The National Digital Library of India (NDLI) aims to:

  • a) Promote digital literacy

  • b) Provide free access to digital educational resources

  • c) Develop digital textbooks

  • d) Enhance online teaching skills

General Awareness and Current Affairs

  1. The current President of India (as of June 2023) is:

  • a) Ram Nath Kovind

  • b) Pranab Mukherjee

  • c) Draupadi Murmu

  • d) A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

  1. The 2023 ICC Cricket World Cup was held in:

  • a) Australia

  • b) England

  • c) India

  • d) South Africa

  1. The recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature 2023 is:

  • a) Bob Dylan

  • b) Kazuo Ishiguro

  • c) Olga Tokarczuk

  • d) Abdulrazak Gurnah

  1. The capital city of Canada is:

  • a) Toronto

  • b) Vancouver

  • c) Ottawa

  • d) Montreal

  1. The chemical symbol for Sodium is:

  • a) Na

  • b) S

  • c) Sn

  • d) N

  1. The headquarters of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is located in:

  • a) New York

  • b) London

  • c) Washington D.C.

  • d) Paris

  1. The first Indian to win an individual Olympic gold medal was:

  • a) Leander Paes

  • b) Abhinav Bindra

  • c) P.V. Sindhu

  • d) Milkha Singh

  1. The largest continent in the world by area is:

  • a) Africa

  • b) Asia

  • c) Europe

  • d) North America

  1. The chemical formula for water is:

  • a) CO2

  • b) H2O

  • c) O2

  • d) NaCl

  1. The largest planet in our solar system is:

  • a) Earth

  • b) Mars

  • c) Jupiter

  • d) Saturn

  1. The International Labour Organization (ILO) was founded in:

  • a) 1919

  • b) 1945

  • c) 1950

  • d) 1965

  1. The first Indian satellite was launched in the year:

  • a) 1975

  • b) 1980

  • c) 1985

  • d) 1990

  1. The International Day of Peace is celebrated on:

  • a) March 21

  • b) June 21

  • c) September 21

  • d) December 21

  1. The SI unit of force is:

  • a) Joule

  • b) Newton

  • c) Pascal

  • d) Watt

  1. The primary component of natural gas is:

  • a) Propane

  • b) Butane

  • c) Methane

  • d) Ethane

  1. The smallest bone in the human body is:

  • a) Femur

  • b) Humerus

  • c) Stapes

  • d) Radius

  1. The Good Governance Day is observed in India to honor:

  • a) Mahatma Gandhi

  • b) Jawaharlal Nehru

  • c) Atal Bihari Vajpayee

  • d) Indira Gandhi

  1. The author of 'India After Gandhi' is:

  • a) Ramachandra Guha

  • b) Shashi Tharoor

  • c) Vikram Seth

  • d) Amartya Sen

Paper 1: General Paper on Teaching & Research Aptitude

Duration: 1 Hour

Total Marks: 100

Number of Questions: 50

All questions carry 2 marks each.

Teaching Aptitude

  1. Which of the following is an example of formative assessment?

  • a) Final exams

  • b) Mid-term exams

  • c) Weekly quizzes

  • d) End-of-year projects

  1. Effective teaching includes:

  • a) Giving homework every day

  • b) Using a single teaching method

  • c) Encouraging active learning

  • d) Strictly following the textbook

  1. The best way to handle a disruptive student in a class is to:

  • a) Ignore the student

  • b) Send the student to the principal's office

  • c) Address the behavior privately after class

  • d) Call out the student in front of the class

Research Aptitude

  1. The purpose of a literature review is to:

  • a) Summarize past research

  • b) Develop new theories

  • c) Critique existing methodologies

  • d) All of the above

  1. Which of the following is not a type of qualitative research?

  • a) Case study

  • b) Ethnography

  • c) Experimental research

  • d) Phenomenology

  1. In research, reliability refers to:

  • a) The extent to which results can be replicated

  • b) The accuracy of the measurement

  • c) The validity of the instruments used

  • d) The relevance of the study


Read the following passage and answer the questions (7-10):

Passage: "The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of interconnected devices that communicate with each other and exchange data. This technology has the potential to revolutionize various sectors, including healthcare, agriculture, and transportation. By enabling real-time monitoring and data analysis, IoT can lead to more efficient and informed decision-making. However, challenges such as data security and privacy concerns need to be addressed to fully realize its potential."

  1. The main idea of the passage is:

  • a) The history of the Internet

  • b) The benefits and challenges of IoT

  • c) The future of technology

  • d) Data security issues

  1. One potential benefit of IoT mentioned in the passage is:

  • a) Increased manual labor

  • b) Real-time monitoring

  • c) Higher costs

  • d) Reduced efficiency

  1. A challenge associated with IoT is:

  • a) Data analysis

  • b) Device connectivity

  • c) Data security

  • d) Real-time decision-making

  1. IoT can revolutionize sectors like:

  • a) Education and entertainment

  • b) Agriculture and healthcare

  • c) Sports and recreation

  • d) Tourism and hospitality


  1. In the communication process, 'encoding' means:

  • a) Interpreting the message

  • b) Sending feedback

  • c) Converting thoughts into symbols

  • d) Disrupting the message

  1. The term 'noise' in communication refers to:

  • a) Background music

  • b) Any interference with the message

  • c) Clear transmission

  • d) Verbal communication

  1. Active listening involves:

  • a) Interrupting the speaker

  • b) Repeating what the speaker said

  • c) Paying full attention to the speaker

  • d) Preparing your response while listening

Mathematical Reasoning and Aptitude

  1. If a=3a = 3a=3 and b=4b = 4b=4, then the value of a2+b2a^2 + b^2a2+b2 is:

  • a) 7

  • b) 12

  • c) 25

  • d) 5

  1. The value of 14+12+18\frac{1}{4} + \frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{8}41​+21​+81​ is:

  • a) 0.875

  • b) 0.5

  • c) 1.125

  • d) 1

  1. If 5x−3=2x+65x - 3 = 2x + 65x−3=2x+6, then xxx is:

  • a) 1

  • b) 3

  • c) -1

  • d) -3

Logical Reasoning

  1. If 'PAPER' is coded as 'OZODQ', how is 'PEN' coded?

  • a) ODM

  • b) ODL

  • c) QFO

  • d) OEO

  1. Find the missing number in the series: 3, 9, 27, 81, ?

  • a) 243

  • b) 162

  • c) 54

  • d) 108

  1. A person travels 10 km south, then turns left and travels 5 km, then turns left again and travels 10 km. In which direction is he from the starting point?

  • a) North

  • b) South

  • c) East

  • d) West

Data Interpretation

  1. Refer to the following table that shows the population of five cities over three years:


City A

City B

City C

City D

City E



















  1. The population growth of City C from 2018 to 2020 is:

  • a) 0.2M

  • b) 0.4M

  • c) 0.6M

  • d) 1.4M

  1. The average population of City A over the three years is:

  • a) 1.2M

  • b) 1.3M

  • c) 1.4M

  • d) 1.5M

  1. Which city had the highest population growth from 2018 to 2020?

  • a) City A

  • b) City B

  • c) City C

  • d) City D

Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

  1. The full form of HTTP is:

  • a) HyperText Transfer Protocol

  • b) HyperText Transport Protocol

  • c) HyperText Transmission Protocol

  • d) HyperText Transfer Program

  1. Which of the following is an output device?

  • a) Keyboard

  • b) Scanner

  • c) Monitor

  • d) Mouse

  1. The function of a modem is to:

  • a) Store data

  • b) Convert digital signals to analog and vice versa

  • c) Protect against viruses

  • d) Control the printer

People and Environment

  1. The Kyoto Protocol is associated with:

  • a) Nuclear disarmament

  • b) Climate change

  • c) Human rights

  • d) Trade regulations

  1. Deforestation leads to:

  • a) Increased biodiversity

  • b) Reduced carbon dioxide levels

  • c) Soil erosion

  • d) Enhanced rainfall

  1. Which of the following is a non-renewable resource?

  • a) Wind energy

  • b) Solar energy

  • c) Natural gas

  • d) Geothermal energy

Higher Education System: Governance, Polity, and Administration

  1. The Right to Education Act (RTE) in India was enacted in:

  • a) 2005

  • b) 2007

  • c) 2009

  • d) 2011

  1. The main objective of the Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA) is to:

  • a) Promote school education

  • b) Enhance the quality of higher education

  • c) Improve vocational training

  • d) Develop sports infrastructure

  1. The regulatory body for technical education in India is:

  • a) UGC

  • b) NAAC

  • c) AICTE

  • d) NCTE

General Awareness and Current Affairs

  1. The current Chief Justice of India (as of June 2023) is:

  • a) N.V. Ramana

  • b) S.A. Bobde

  • c) D.Y. Chandrachud

  • d) Ranjan Gogoi

  1. The 2024 FIFA World Cup will be hosted by:

  • a) Qatar

  • b) USA, Canada, and Mexico

  • c) Russia

  • d) Brazil

  1. The Bharat Ratna award was first conferred in:

  • a) 1950

  • b) 1954

  • c) 1960

  • d) 1965

  1. The capital city of Australia is:

  • a) Sydney

  • b) Melbourne

  • c) Canberra

  • d) Brisbane

  1. The chemical symbol for Iron is:

  • a) Ir

  • b) Fe

  • c) I

  • d) In

  1. The headquarters of UNESCO is located in:

  • a) Geneva

  • b) Paris

  • c) New York

  • d) Rome

  1. The first Indian woman to win an Olympic medal was:

  • a) P.T. Usha

  • b) Karnam Malleswari

  • c) Mary Kom

  • d) Saina Nehwal

  1. The smallest continent in the world by area is:

  • a) Europe

  • b) Australia

  • c) Antarctica

  • d) South America

  1. The chemical formula for table salt is:

  • a) Na2CO3

  • b) KCl

  • c) NaCl

  • d) MgSO4

  1. The smallest planet in our solar system is:

  • a) Mercury

  • b) Venus

  • c) Earth

  • d) Mars

  1. The World Health Organization (WHO) was founded in:

  • a) 1948

  • b) 1950

  • c) 1965

  • d) 1970

  1. The first Indian satellite, Aryabhata, was launched in the year:

  • a) 1970

  • b) 1975

  • c) 1980

  • d) 1985

  1. The International Day of Happiness is celebrated on:

  • a) March 20

  • b) April 20

  • c) May 20

  • d) June 20

  1. The SI unit of temperature is:

  • a) Celsius

  • b) Fahrenheit

  • c) Kelvin

  • d) Joule

  1. The primary component of the Earth's atmosphere is:

  • a) Oxygen

  • b) Carbon dioxide

  • c) Nitrogen

  • d) Hydrogen

  1. The longest bone in the human body is:

  • a) Femur

  • b) Tibia

  • c) Humerus

  • d) Radius

  1. The National Youth Day in India is observed to commemorate the birth anniversary of:

  • a) Mahatma Gandhi

  • b) Swami Vivekananda

  • c) Bhagat Singh

  • d) Subhas Chandra Bose

  1. The author of 'The God of Small Things' is:

  • a) Arundhati Roy

  • b) Jhumpa Lahiri

  • c) Kiran Desai

  • d) Anita Desai

In conclusion, preparing for the 18th June 2024 NET Exam Paper 1 requires strategic practice with sample papers that encompass a wide range of topics. These sample papers not only familiarize candidates with the exam format but also enhance their understanding of crucial concepts in teaching aptitude, research methodology, comprehension, and general awareness. By diligently practicing these papers, candidates can boost their confidence and improve their chances of performing well on exam day. Remember, consistent practice with NET Exam Paper 1 sample papers is key to achieving success in this competitive examination.

Step1: log in to your one drive with your login credentials.

Step2: Select power-point from your Apps

Step 3: Select Blank presentation

Step 4: Select the yellow highlighted Add-in icon

Step 5: Search for the ChatGPT icon.

Step 6: Click the Add button

Step 7: You will see as follows

Step 8: Click ChatGPT for Power Point , you will find below result

Step 9: Click first option create from Topic and enter any topic in the text box.

Step 10: For example the entered topic is Indian tigers and click continue

Step 11: This will create a template for the presentation as follows , click continue

Step 12: Choose any template

Step 13: You will find following result

Step 14: Here is final ppt create and try more....

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In today's information age, where written content reigns supreme, tools like Gemini AI are emerging as powerful allies. But with a new AI companion comes the question: how do you use it effectively? This blog will be your guide to unlocking the potential of Gemini AI, turning you into a master of crafting text with the help of AI.

What is Gemini AI?

Imagine a tireless writing assistant, a brainstorming partner, and a fountain of knowledge – all rolled into one. That's essentially what Gemini AI is. It's a large language model from Google AI, capable of generating text, translating languages, writing different kinds of creative content, and answering your questions in an informative way.

Getting Started with Gemini AI

There are two main ways to interact with Gemini AI:

  • Through the Interface: While an official interface might not be publicly available yet, some sources suggest there might be a way to access Gemini through a platform. If you have access, you'll likely see a prompt where you can type in your questions or instructions.

  • Through API: For developers and programmers, Gemini AI offers an API (Application Programming Interface) that allows integration with various applications. This opens up a world of possibilities for building custom tools powered by AI-generated text.

Step 1: Navigate to Google and conduct a search for...Gemini Ai

2. Click on "Gemini AI" and you'll be directed to the Gemini sign-in page. Proceed by signing in using your Google account credentials.

3. Input your password.

4. You have now arrived at the home page of Gemini.

5. Now, please input your prompt.

6. and hit the arrow sign.

7. Here, you will find your details.

8. Now , refine your prompt

Refining a prompt is essential for several reasons:

  1. Clarity and Precision: A refined prompt ensures that the task or question is clear and precise, minimizing the risk of misunderstandings or ambiguous responses. This is crucial for obtaining accurate and relevant information or results.

  2. Relevance: By refining a prompt, you can ensure that it directly addresses the topic or issue at hand, making the responses more relevant and useful.

  3. Efficiency: A well-defined prompt can save time and effort by reducing the need for follow-up questions or clarifications. It streamlines the communication process.

  4. Focus: Refining helps to focus on specific aspects of a topic, allowing for more detailed and in-depth responses. This is particularly important for complex subjects where broad questions might lead to overly general answers.

  5. Engagement: A clear and well-thought-out prompt can be more engaging for the audience, encouraging thoughtful and comprehensive responses.

  6. Tone and Style: Refining a prompt allows you to tailor it to the desired tone and style, making it more suitable for the target audience. This can help in conveying the intended message more effectively.

For example, consider the difference between these two prompts:

  • General prompt: "Tell me about climate change."

  • Refined prompt: "Can you explain the main causes of climate change and their impacts on polar ice caps?"

The refined prompt is more specific and likely to elicit a more focused and informative response.

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