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Step-by-Step Guide: Using AI to Simplify Your Gmail Workflow

1. Utilizing Built-in Gmail AI Features:

  • Enable Smart Reply:

  • AI to Simplify Your Gmail

  1. Go to Gmail settings ([Gear icon] -> Settings).

  2. Click on "Advanced" tab.

  3. Under "Smart Reply," choose the desired behavior (enable for all emails or only for specific recipients).

  • Leverage Nudges: No steps needed! Gmail's AI automatically nudges you for important unanswered emails. You'll see a discreet notification reminding you to follow up.

2. Automating Tasks with Zapier and AI integrations (using OneAI as an example):

  • Setting Up Zapier:

  1. Create a free Zapier account (

  2. Search for "Gmail" and choose it as the trigger app. Select the specific trigger based on your desired automation (e.g., "New Email").

  3. Choose OneAI as the action app and select the desired action (e.g., "Summarize Email").

  • Customizing OneAI Action:

  1. Follow Zapier's prompts to connect your OneAI account.

  2. Configure OneAI's settings within Zapier. You might choose to specify the length of the summary or where to save the summarized text (e.g., Google Drive).

  • Testing and Running the Zap:

  1. Zapier will prompt you to test the connection and automation. Run the test to ensure everything works as expected.

  2. Turn on your Zap to start automating tasks!


  • Replace OneAI with another AI integration that suits your needs (e.g., for creating draft responses).

  • Explore Zapier's vast library of apps and create custom workflows to fit your specific requirements.

By following these steps, you can leverage AI to streamline your Gmail experience and save valuable time!

How to use Zapier for AI to Simplify Your Gmail

AI to Simplify Your Gmail
AI to Simplify Your Gmail

  1. Sign up for a free Zapier account on their website.

  2. Create a new automation ("Zap") and choose Gmail as the starting point.

  3. Pick the specific event that should trigger the action, like getting a new email.

  4. Connect your Gmail account securely to Zapier.

  5. Now, choose what action you want to happen in response to the trigger. In this case, it's adding a star to an email.

  6. Customize how the action should work. For example, you might want to only add a star if the email is from your boss.

  7. Test your Zap to make sure it works correctly.

  8. Once it's all set up and tested, turn on your Zap to start automating!

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