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Net set Mh 2024 paper two computer science answer key.

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Net set Mh 2024 paper two computer science answer key.

  1. What is the difference between a "shallow copy" and a "deep copy" in the context of programming languages?

(A) Shallow copy duplicates only references, while deep copy duplicates entire object (B) Shallow copy duplicates entire object, while deep copy duplicates only references (C) Shallow copy duplicates only system variables, whereas deep copy duplicated user defined variables (D) Shallow copy duplicates only user defined variables, whereas deep copy duplicated system variables

Correct Answer

(A) Shallow copy duplicates only references, while deep copy duplicates entire object


In programming, copying objects involves creating a new object that represents the original object's data. The crucial distinction lies in how references (memory addresses) and nested objects are handled:

Shallow Copy

  • Creates a new object with copies of the primitive values (e.g., integers, strings) from the original object.

  • For references, the copy simply points to the same memory location as the original object's references. These references can be pointers to lists, dictionaries, or other complex objects.

  • This means any modifications made to the copied references will affect both the original and the copy, as they share the same underlying data.

Deep Copy

  • Creates a new object with entirely independent copies.

  • Primitive values are copied as in shallow copy.

  • References are resolved by creating completely new copies of the referenced objects. This includes any nested structures within those objects.

  • Any modifications to the copied references or nested objects within the copy won't affect the original object or its nested objects, as they are independent.

Choosing Between Shallow and Deep Copy

The choice depends on your specific use case:

  • Shallow copy: Faster and more memory-efficient for simple objects where modifications in both the original and copy are intended.

  • Deep copy: Ensures complete independence between the original and the copy, essential when modifying the copied object's references or nested structures shouldn't affect the original.

2. The term "snapshot" is used in the context of virtualization to refer to:

(A) Backup of a virtual machine's current state (B) Backup of host operating system's current state (C) Backup of guest operating system's current state (D) Backup of guest applications' current state


(A) Backup of a virtual machine's current state


In virtualization, a snapshot captures the entire state of a virtual machine, including its memory, virtual hard disk, CPU and network configuration, and other hardware settings at a specific point in time. This allows you to revert the virtual machine to its previous state if needed.

Mh set 2024 paper two computer science answer key
Mh set 2024 paper two computer science answer key

3. Predict the output of the following source code in C language:

int main() {
    int i, x[5];
    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        * (x + i) = i;
    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        printf("%d", x[i]);
    return 0;


(A) 01234 (B) Syntax Error (C) Semantic Error (D) Garbage Value


(A) 01234


The code successfully compiles and executes, producing the output:

  • The first loop initializes the array x with values 0 to 4 using pointer arithmetic.

  • The second loop prints the elements of x in sequence.

  1. Predict the output of the following C source code:

int x = 10;

int main() {

  int x = 20;


    int x = 30;

      extern x;
      printf("%d", x);


  return 0;


(A) 10 (B) 20 (C) 30 (D) 10 20 30


(C) 30


This code demonstrates the concept of variable shadowing in C. Let's break down how variable names are resolved:

  1. Global Variable:

  • int x = 10; declares a global variable x with a value of 10. It's accessible throughout the program.

  1. Local Variable in main:

  • int x = 20; within main creates a local variable x with a value of 20. This shadows the global x within the scope of main.

  1. Inner Block:

  • int x = 30; introduces another local x with a value of 30. This further shadows both the global and main's local variable.

  1. extern x;:

  • This statement attempts to declare x as extern, but it's within a block and has no effect. extern is usually used outside functions to reference variables from another file.

  1. printf("%d", x);:

  • Since x is used within an inner block, the compiler searches for the most recently declared local variable. This is the x with a value of 30, which is printed.

Key Points:

  • Variable names can be reused within nested blocks, creating shadows.

  • The compiler prioritizes local variables within their scope when resolving variable names.

  • extern has a different usage outside functions.

In essence, the code outputs 30 because the printf statement accesses the local variable x with the value 30 within the innermost block.

5. Consider the following C++ code:

class C {
  void f(int a) { cout << a; }

  void f(int a, int b) { cout << a + b; }

  void f(int a, int b, int c) { cout << a + b + c; }

int main() {
  C obj;

  obj.f(10);       // Output: 10
  obj.f(10, 20);    // Output: 30
  obj.f(10, 20, 30); // Output: 60

  return 0;

.Which concept does this code exemplify?

(A) Abstraction (B) Encapsulation (C) Inheritance (D) Polymorphism


(D) Polymorphism

6. Which of the following activities is not an application of XML?

(A) Data storage (B) Data transmission (C) Multiple rendering of the same data (D) Interaction with the user to get the data


(D) Interaction with the user to get the data


7. XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a text-based format for storing and transmitting structured data. It's widely used for various purposes:

  • Data Storage: XML is commonly used to store data in a platform-independent way, facilitating easy exchange between different systems.

  • Data Transmission: XML is a popular format for transmitting data over networks due to its human-readable and machine-readable structure.

  • Multiple Rendering of the Same Data: XML data can be displayed or processed differently depending on the application, allowing for a single data source to be used in various ways.

Interaction with the user to get data is typically not a direct application of XML. XML itself doesn't have built-in mechanisms for user interaction. However, XML data might be used as input or output when interacting with a user through a different interface.

8. Applets


Which of the following statements is not true with respect to Applets?

(A) All web browsers support Applets (Not True) (B) Applets are vulnerable from a security perspective (True) (C) Applets can communicate with their server on their own (True) (D) Applets can play multimedia on the client side (True)


(A) All web browsers support Applets


  • Applets are a legacy technology that has been largely replaced by other alternatives like JavaScript.

  • Modern web browsers may not support applets by default, or require enabling them in security settings.

9. A transformation that distorts the shape of an object such that the transformed shape appears as if the object was composed of internal layers that had been caused to slide over each other is called as:

(A) Reflection (Flips the object) (B) Shear (Correct) (C) Dither (Adds color noise) (D) Translation (Moves the object without distortion)


(B) Shear


  • Shear applies a shearing force, causing the object to be tilted or stretched in a specific direction. This makes it appear as if internal layers are sliding over each other.

  • Reflection flips the object across an axis.

  • Dither adds color noise to an image, often used for color reduction or low-bit depth images.

  • Translation simply moves the object from one position to another without changing its shape.

10. Which of the following materials has the highest specular reflection coefficient at an angle of 45° of incidence over it?

(A) Water (Low reflection coefficient) (B) Glass (High, but not the highest) (C) Gold (High, but not the highest) (D) Silver (Correct)


(D) Silver


  • Specular reflection is the mirror-like reflection of light from a surface.

  • The specular reflection coefficient (SRC) indicates how much light is reflected at a given angle.

  • Among the listed materials, silver generally has the highest SRC, especially for visible light.

  • Glass and water have lower SRCs, with glass reflecting more than water.


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