Sharon Rajendra Manmothe

Jul 17, 20233 min

Indian Government Launches Free Online Course on AI Certified by IIT Madras & NCVET

In a significant move aimed at fostering digital literacy and upskilling the workforce, the Indian government has recently launched a free online course on Artificial Intelligence (AI), certified by the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras and the National Council for Vocational Education and Training (NCVET). This initiative aims to empower individuals with AI knowledge and skills, enabling them to leverage the potential of this transformative technology. Let's delve deeper into the implications of this groundbreaking development.

Accessible Education for All

Education has long been considered a cornerstone for individual and societal progress. However, access to quality education and professional development opportunities remains a challenge for many. The Indian government's decision to offer a free online course on AI signifies a major step towards bridging this educational divide. By making the course freely available to anyone with an internet connection, it ensures that learning opportunities are not limited by financial or geographical constraints.

AI Certified by IIT Madras

Certification by IIT Madras and NCVET

The certification of the AI course by IIT Madras and NCVET adds immense credibility and value to the program. IIT Madras is renowned for its excellence in technological education and research, and its endorsement of the course underscores its academic rigor. Similarly, the certification by NCVET, a statutory body responsible for the recognition and regulation of vocational education and training in India, further enhances the course's credibility and employability prospects for learners.

Empowering Individuals with AI Skills

Artificial Intelligence has emerged as a transformative technology with wide-ranging applications across industries. It has the potential to revolutionize sectors such as healthcare, finance, agriculture, and transportation, among others. By offering a free online course on AI, the government aims to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills required to harness the power of AI effectively.

The course curriculum covers fundamental concepts of AI, including machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and robotics. Participants will gain hands-on experience through practical exercises and real-world applications, enabling them to apply their learnings in practical scenarios. This comprehensive approach ensures that learners not only understand the theoretical aspects but also develop the ability to implement AI techniques in real-world settings.

Addressing the Skills Gap

One of the primary goals of the free online course on AI is to address the growing skills gap in the field of emerging technologies. With AI becoming increasingly pervasive in various industries, there is a rising demand for professionals with AI expertise. By offering this course, the government is taking proactive measures to bridge the gap between industry requirements and the available talent pool.

Moreover, the course is designed to cater to individuals from diverse educational backgrounds, making AI education more inclusive. This ensures that individuals, irrespective of their prior knowledge or experience in the field, can benefit from the program and enhance their employability prospects in the AI job market.

Promoting Digital Literacy and Innovation

As the world rapidly moves towards a digital future, promoting digital literacy is crucial for empowering individuals and driving innovation. By launching the free online AI course, the government is encouraging individuals to embrace digital technologies, understand their underlying principles, and explore their potential for innovation. This initiative has the potential to spark a wave of creativity and entrepreneurship, enabling individuals to develop AI-based solutions to address real-world challenges.


The launch of the free online course on AI, certified by IIT Madras and NCVET, marks a significant milestone in the Indian government's efforts to democratize education and equip individuals with cutting-edge skills. By providing access to quality AI education, regardless of financial or geographical barriers, the government is empowering individuals to participate in the digital revolution and contribute to India's growth in the AI-driven economy. This initiative not only addresses the skills gap but also promotes digital literacy and fosters innovation. As more individuals enroll in this course, we can expect a surge in AI expertise, leading to a brighter future for the country as a whole.
